Thanks for your input JK. Just a what if.. but what if Russia or China just decides to screw the whole network to disrupt the world? (China banned all crypto mining and transactions last year, so maybe this really isn’t impossible. What’s more scary is that before they banned it, 2/3 of the world’s mining was done in China - that’s well over 50% in a single country, a communist country that can just confiscate evrything if it wishes). Disrupting the crypto market could be quite devastatingly disruptive for the entire world, considering how huge the networks have become, so I believe we should at least be aware of possible risks. My main belief is that blockchain isn’t really decentralized and since so many people have become a part of it without even knowing basically anything about it, they are exposed to potentially huge risks that they just don’t know much about. While blockchain is indeed a brilliant concept, everyone should be aware of the risks. For one thing, if you trade crypto through crypto exchanges instead of running your own nodes, you are fully trusting the exchanges and the wallet providers - not much different from trusting banks or payment companies. This is a direct irony to the very existence of bitcoin.